

A Leader In Maritime Security

Contact us

+44 (0) 113 8680310
Ops 24/7: +44 (0) 2036775433

1 Kings Avenue

N21 3NA


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Complaint and grievances process

To initiate the complaint process, please direct your complaint to [email protected]. Our dedicated department will thoroughly investigate your concerns and aim to provide a comprehensive response within 10 working days. Rest assured that all reports submitted will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, ensuring that the submitter remains anonymous at all times. If you find that your concern remains unresolved after receiving the written response from stage 1, please get in touch with the QAO, enclosing all previous correspondence:

QAO Office:
+44 (0) 203 519703
[email protected]
1 Kings Avenue London N21 3NA UK

 The QAO of the company will conduct a detailed investigation into your complaint. The findings of this investigation will be relayed to the relevant department manager, who will provide you with a comprehensive report on the findings and propose a resolution to address the situation.

Additional information cab be found in our following documents: 
